
These are some of the companies I have worked for. Learn more about my work experience.


Freelance Full Stack Developer


As a Freelance Full Stack Developer at Cedisa, I have led the entire application development cycle, from conception to deployment on AWS public cloud.



Lead Developer for platform creation, as well as architect for deploying all platform services.

Sr. NodeJS / React Developer


Web application development using NodeJS and React for Retail sector clients.



Mentor for the Web Development Bootcamp program with Javascript, teaching the Javascript module, Introduction to programming course, Linux Workshop, and Git & Github.

Full Stack Developer

Centro Médico de Xalapa

Development of the portal for medical reports management.

Java Developer


Systems development for external clients.

IT and Systems Development Manager

Integral Corporate in Public and Private Administration S.A de C.V

Internal organization software development and implementation, technical support, private cloud implementation and management.

Academic Tutor for 'Programming' Experience

Veracruzana University, Faculty of Statistics and Informatics

Tutoring for students in the Computational Technologies degree program.

Academic Tutor for 'Introduction to Programming' Experience

Veracruzana University, Faculty of Statistics and Informatics

Tutoring for students in the Computational Technologies degree program.